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2024-03-20 14:16


1 问:初试和复试哪个更重要?


2 问:自我介绍要说些什么?

一般需要简要介绍你的教育背景(从大学开始介绍就可以了,中学及以前就不用了,导师不 care)、详细介绍你的学术基础、未来的研究方向和职业目标,别忘了谈一下你为什么要考博、为什么要考这位导师的博士(此处可充分表达对导师的崇拜和敬仰之情)。简而言之,你的自我介绍一定要能让导师了解你过去干了什么,现在在干什么,将来想干什么。

3 问:复试中英语重要吗?


4 问:是否录取是学校说了算还是导师说了算?

当然是导师说来算。博士阶段带你的是导师,不是学校。每个导师都想找个有能力的学生,这是人之常情。在这里,所谓 “能力” 是个综合的指标,包括交流能力、科研、英语、甚至师生是否 “对眼” 等等,平时的积累很重要。复试的时候虽然会有五到六人的评委小组打分,但是导师的意见会起到主导的作用。

5 问:复试考什么?



还有的学校复试时会直接给考生一篇专业性较强的英文文献,让考生朗读指定段落,并现场翻译。这个还是有一定难度的,如果文献的主题关键词不认识,基本上就game over了。建议复试前把涉及本专业的医学英语词汇集中清扫一遍,重要的词不但要认识,还要知道发音,要能读出来。


比如一度闹得沸沸扬扬的北大初试第一名被淘汰的事情,当时,导师问那位考生 “你最喜欢的一本书是什么”,显然问题绝不像看上去的那么简单,导师问这个问题其实是想让你说一下对专业的认识。可那位倒霉孩纸张口就说 “我喜欢费孝通的某一名著”,显然没有 get 到问题的点!这一方面可以看出他反应能力不够,没搞懂导师问这个问题的真实意图;另一方面,也失去了阐述自己对专业认识的大好机会。 

6 问:复试前要准备些什么?

提前做好功课很重要。建议熟悉你报考的导师所做过的研究,事先研读导师发表的重要文章(尤其是近期的文章),最起码也起码要读一下摘要,如能在你的自我介绍中“不经意” 地提及,导师会非常愉快。

7 问:有问题实在答不出来怎么办?

对实在不会的问题,就老老实实说不会。如果知道一点,那就答慢一点,好好想想,但一定不要乱说,会就是会,不会就是不会。你可以直接说目前没有考虑到这方面的因素,我以后会改进。Honesty is always the best policy. 诚恳的态度很重要。

8 问:面试的时候穿成什么样?

考博复试是大事,相信大家都会 dress up,比平时穿得正式一点。小白老师觉得不修边幅固然不可取,但也不要穿的过于正式。破洞牛仔、须边T恤肯定是不能穿去见导师的,但男生没有必要西装革履搞得跟新郎官似的,女生也没有必要打扮得太时尚。

外在形象只能为你带来第一印象分,仅此而已。就怕面试时候一看,人家导师穿得挺随意的,考生却穿得全球 500 强总裁似的,这让导师情何以堪。

比较得体着装的是 Smart Casual。深色裤子(或及膝裙)配浅色衬衫,男生不要打领带(领带还是留着博士毕业典礼的时候再戴吧),女生不要环佩叮当,最好的饰品是优雅得体的仪表仪态。华丽的外表不如谦逊有礼的积极态度,说到底还是要靠实力和现场表现才能打动导师。




高频问题1Tell us more about yourself.


Ive always been interested in discovering how things work, but my time as an undergraduate opened my eyes to the excitement and wider benefit of science. I had the chance to do some original researc MD. Im also a keen hiker and amateur naturalist, so Id love to combine my studies here with the chance to visit the local area.


I was born in a small countryside city of Jiangsu Province. My first dog was called Wangcai. At school my best friend was Liming. I like reading and listening to music in my spare time. My favourite colour is blue.

高频问题 2What made you choose to do a MD


Ive enjoyed my academic work so far, but I really feel Ive got more to offer as an independent researcher. Im also passionate about this subject and dont feel enough attention has been paid to the questions Im looking to address.


I cant think of anything to do with my Masters, but my current tutor says Im clever enough for a MD.

高频问题 3What do you plan to do after you complete your MD


I feel my MD project can open up new lines of inquiry for this field and want to use it as the foundation for a fruitful research career. But, I’m also interested in the wider development opportunities included in this doctoral programme. I want to be an academic, but I’m happy to keep other options open.


I expect someone will give me a job doing more research. That’s what MDs do, right?

高频问题 4What are your strengths and weaknesses


I feel that I’m a good written communicator. My existing academic and professional work demonstrates an ability to put forward ideas clearly and concisely. I think this will help me manage the weight of information my MD research needs to cover and the challenge of producing an effective thesis. But, I’m not always as organised as I’d like to be. I want to address this as part of my postgraduate training and hope to take advantage of classes and development opportunities early in my doctorate.


My greatest strength is that I have no weaknesses! And my only weakness is that I have no strengths. Hang on...

高频问题 5Are there any training needs you can identify ahead of your MD


Im really interested in communicating my research to a wider audience, but dont know how best to go about doing this. I think the training module on public engagement will be a big help to me, both academically and more generally.


Im really bad at interviews. Do you have a class for that?

高频问题 6What makes you the right candidate for this PhD


Ive been interested in this topic since the final year of my undergraduate degree. This lead to my choice of Masters and helped me pick my dissertation topic, which I really enjoyed. Im really excited to now go on and do some sustained research in this area as a MD student.


Well, it's quite difficult to find a good job without a doctor's degree...

高频问题 7What difficulties do you expect to encounter during this project


I can see that some of the archival material Ill need to examine for this project may be difficult to access. My first task will be to request permissions, arrange visits and develop a system for recording my findings. Im hoping to undertake training in archival practices and seek advice from my supervisor as I develop these key skills early in my project.


Yeah, I know a MD is hard, but Im just going to see how I get on.

高频问题 8Why have you chosen to study a MD at this university?


Ive looked at lots of opportunities in this area. I feel that this project is the best of its kind, combining a unique research angle with a training programme that will meet my professional needs. I was already familiar with the work of my prospective supervisor and their research has greatly informed my own development as a scholar. Im eager to combine my work with theirs and make use of the facilities the university has put together for this project.


I did my Masters here and already have a flat in the city.

高频问题 9What can you bring to this research group?


Im eager to take advantage of the facilities and expertise this university has to offer. But I also want to contribute with my own expertise and enthusiasm. My previous work has given me the skills to make the most of the material involved in this project and Im motivated to take up new training opportunities as relevant. Ill be proud to be a part of this department and would actively seek to represent it through my own publications and other research outputs.


I have a Bachelors and a Masters in this subject so Im quite clever.






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